Chances are if you are looking for a criminal defense attorney, your needs are immediate. That doesn’t mean, however, that you shouldn’t do your due diligence to find the right attorney for your case. If you or a loved one are facing criminal charges in New Jersey, you will want…
New Jersey Criminal Lawyers Blog
Explaining Expungement in New Jersey
Having a criminal record can impact an offender’s life long after their case has concluded. A criminal record may affect one’s ability to gain employment, obtain housing, and hold certain professional certifications and licenses, among other things. In some instances, qualifying offenders can avoid this by having their criminal records…
Probation in New Jersey: The Rules, Common Violations & Related Consequences
In New Jersey, probation is a court-ordered period of supervision imposed as an alternative to incarceration, allowing an individual convicted of a criminal offense to remain in the community under specific conditions rather than serving time in jail. The intention is to foster positive behavioral changes while ensuring the offender’s…
How Juvenile Court Differs from Criminal Court
Recognizing that young minds are still developing and learning, our justice system allows for juvenile offenders to be treated differently from adult offenders to give minors a second chance and make better choices going forward. Although juvenile and criminal courts both seek to hold offenders accountable for their actions, there…
You’ve Been Accused of a Crime, Now What?
When you are accused of a crime, guilty or not, how you react initially matters. Resisting law enforcement, claiming your innocence, attempting to direct suspicion elsewhere can all work against you in the end. Although it is a stressful situation, remain as calm as possible and adhere to the following:…
Why A Former Prosecutor May Be Your Best Defense
It is the prosecutor’s job to build cases with sufficient evidence to show probable cause that a crime has been committed and that the defendant is responsible for the crime as charged. To do this, he or she must be familiar with law enforcement techniques in criminal investigation, understand how…
The Criminal Process Part 3 – The Trial, The Verdict, The Sentencing, & The Appeal
This month, the final installment of our three-part series on The Criminal Process explores The Trial, The Verdict, Sentencing, and The Appeal. The Trial Our laws entitle anyone accused of a crime to the right to a fair and speedy trial by a jury of their peers. This jury is…
The Criminal Process Part 2
This month, Part 2 of our three-part series on the Criminal Process explores The Grand Jury, The Arraignment, and Pre-Trial Proceedings and Motions. The Grand Jury Grand jury proceedings are held in private with the jury acting independent of the court. During these proceedings, the grand jury is responsible for…
Explaining the Criminal Process: A Three-Part Series
The criminal process is a complex, multi-step process designed to find justice while protecting the rights of both the accused and the victims. Over the next few months, Kearns Rotolo Law will present a three-part series explaining the various steps involved in this process. This month in Part 1 we…
Preparing for An Initial Consult with A Criminal Defense Attorney
Facing criminal charges is a serious matter and one you shouldn’t face alone. It is vital that you do not discuss any of the facts of your case with anyone other than your attorney. Remember you have the right to remain silent. It is in your best interest to remain…